Choose to change.

Connect + feel + heal.


Do the Work Podcast

Mental Prisons

Shame, Guilt and Secrets

Tyler Patrick joins us as we delve into the nuanced distinction between shame and guilt and how these emotions impact our lives. Explore how the weight of secrets keeps us trapped, hindering personal growth and relationships. The power of vulnerability and shedding light on our hidden truths bring incredible liberation!

Avoidance & Rigidity

What’s the honest truth about being nice? Find out with Kristi and Elizabeth Jaggi. These twin pitfalls of avoidance and rigidity keep us from living our most fulfilling lives. Let’s look at the roots and patterns and discover strategies to break free and embrace a life of growth and freedom.

Victimhood: The Blame Game

This week Kristi is on her own as we take a look at one of the most difficult but most important mental prisons—victimhood. Living in this prison is a paralyzing and powerless place to be. The key out of this prison is learning to accept and surrender to reality, and in the process becoming more self-aware, empowered, and resilient. Doesn’t that freedom sound amazing? Give this episode a listen for some help getting there.

Book Review of “The Gift” by Edith Eger

We’ve already read and reviewed one of Dr. Edith Eger’s books, and “The Gift” is just as good. In her first book, “The Choice,” Dr. Eger tells her story of surviving the Holocaust and Auschwitz, as well as her experiences becoming and working as a psychologist. In contrast, this second book of hers is “a practical guide to help us identify our mental prisons and develop the tools we need to become free.” Join Kristi, Kaitlyn Howell, and Michelle Rasmussen in a review of this book that is chock-full of life-changing truths.


Whether it's a minor disagreement or a significant betrayal, the sense of injustice can trigger feelings of resentment, leading to thoughts of bitterness and animosity towards the person or situation involved. This is a universal experience— a fundamental aspect of human nature that contributes to the development and expression of resentment across cultures and societies. Join guest Mark Jaggi as we delve into the complexities of resentment: its origins, its effects, and the transformative power of forgiveness.

Developmental Immaturity

Dr. Jill Manning is back on Do the Work to talk about developmental maturity. Dr. Manning is a successful licensed MFT specializing in sexual betrayal, and although developmental maturity plays a huge role in that area, it also affects each of us every day in big and small ways. Tune in to learn what developmental immaturity versus maturity look like, the key traits we’re born with, and the key issues that stem from all the big and little traumas that inevitably happen as we grow and develop.

Kristi’s approach

Creating a safe space that empowers you to experience joy, peace, and connection no matter the circumstances of your life. You matter. You always have and you always will. It’s time to believe it.


Client Reviews

  • Working with Kristi had been such a gift! She has given me tools and resources to manage my thoughts and has provided a safe space to share my concerns. Kristi is warm, honest, and direct. I am so grateful to be able to work with her.


  • Kristi has the very rare gift of listening and lifting all who are in her presence. She stands for truth and goodness.


  • Kristi has been an incredible support in helping me navigate through facing my fears and letting go of things I cannot control. She has created a very safe environment for me to explore and face uncomfortable confrontations with myself and others. She is a beautiful spirit who has enhanced my life with light and truth and taught me how true connection can change mine and others' lives.


  • Kristi understands and lives truths that I hope to incorporate in my life. She also has the ability to explain those truths in such a way that I know that she cares about and loves me!


  • I know I can count on Kristi to understand, care, and shine light to give me truth, hope, and courage. She has compassionately helped me in many important moments. I absolutely love her!


  • Kristi has the very rare gift of listening and lifting all in her presence. She stands for truth and goodness.


  • Kristi’s dedication to personal honesty and integrity allow her to sift through emotion and distortion to get to personal truth and responsibility. She motivates in ways that create real and positive change, individual strength, and strong relationships. It’s apparent, from looking at her own life, that the principles she uses to guide actions will promote real happiness. She is inspiring in every way.


  • Talking with Kristi has changed my life. I cannot express how thankful I am for her tools, her demeanor, her candor, her amazing advice, and her love. I have seen four or five therapists in the time I have talked to Kristi, and none have helped as much as her coaching has. She has changed the way I think about myself, my family, and the world. I would not be as happy as I am today without Kristi Reeves. Go see Kristi! You will not regret it.


  • Kristi validates and teaches without judgement. She listens and understands, and her perceptiveness has helped me see myself in a new light. The principles she has taught me have changed my life and I feel so much stronger and capable. Through her kindness, I have learned how to live my life in a way that benefits myself and my family. I would recommend her to anyone and everyone who needs help communicating, standing up for themselves, and setting boundaries. She is the best of the best!


  • My experience with Kristi has been absolutely wonderful. She has coached me through extremely difficult experiences in my marriage. The knowledge she has shared with me will help me for a lifetime.


  • I look forward to meeting with Kristi every week! She is kind, patient, and a great listener. She has helped me process difficult situations, overcome fear, come closer to God, and find peace I didn't know I had available to me.


  • Kristi has taught my family some essential truths that changed our outlook on some important issues. Just the other day, my 17 year old daughter said "learning from Kristi was the best thing our family has ever done." We communicate better, understand each other better, and validate each other better.


  • I can't say enough about Kristi and the work she has done with me and my family. She has changed our lives and helped us all learn how to be more emotionally and mentally healthy. There is no greater gift we can give to ourselves and to those we love than to learn with Kristi about the tools we need to take responsibility for our emotions and our choices.

    Description goes here
  • Kristi has a gift for guiding clients to principles and skills that can be used to improve lives and relationships. She doesn't shy away from difficult conversations or situations, and handles them with compassion, knowledge, and honesty.


  • Kristi has helped me process my internal world, think through my relationships with myself and others, and given me practical tools and knowledge around healthy boundaries. She provides a safe, validating environment to see myself more accurately and reframe my life experiences out of distortion and into truth. Run, don't walk, if you have a chance to meet her!


  • Kristi's approach is one of validation, compassion, and empathy, while at the same time helping me to see the reality and take ownership of what is mine. I would recommend her to anyone seeking to see themselves more clearly and find more peace.


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Your life was meant to be lived

So often we feel stuck and unsure how to respond and move through different life experiences. There are tools to help you recognize why you are stuck, how to move forward so that you can have meaningful relationships, connection with yourself, others, leading to personal peace and joy.


Private and corporate consultations

Running a business has little to do with the product and everything to do with those who work for you and the clients you serve. We have options for private or group sessions, which can be remote, to accommodate you. Or, bring Kristi to your office for your Corporate group coaching sessions.


Get started with Kristi, today.